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Why is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

Why is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?Since winter season is lingering, ensuring your indoor warmth is your working furnace that blows warm air, not cold.

But there is nothing more alarming than opening your vents expecting a rush of warm air to come forth, but instead a frigid deluge of cold air arrives.

If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “Why is my furnace blowing out cold air?” This common HVAC problem can be the result of a few things, from simple repairs to more complicated heating system issues.

In this tutorial, let’s take a look at what might be causing your furnace’s chilly surprise — and the simple fixes for dealing with it.

Thermostat Settings

If your heater is blowing cold air, begin by checking the thermostat. Ensure that the temperature setting is higher than the current room temperature and the mode is set to heating. You can sometimes fix it with a simple thermostat adjustment.

Air Filter

A dirty or blocked air filter can restrict air flow, resulting in overheating of your furnace and triggering the safety function that blows cool air. Check and change the air filter frequently, usually every one to three months, to ensure optimum performance and efficiency.

Issues with the Pilot Light or Ignition

If your gas furnace isn’t functioning correctly, cold air can blow through your ducts. Check the ignition system and ensure the pilot light is on. If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, its best to get some help from a qualified HVAC specialist.

Thermocouple malfunction

A thermocouple is a safety device that detects a pilot light failure and closes down the gas supply. If you are getting a blown cold air from the furnace it can be due to the incorrect signaling of pilot light which can be caused by a malfunctioning thermocouple. The replacement of a faulty thermocouple should, ideally, be done by an expert.

Blower motor problem

A blower motor failure that prevents adequate airflow can also result in cool air blowing. Listen out for strange noises or low air flow coming from your furnace. Consult with an HVAC professional to diagnose and resolve any concerns with your blower motor.

Problems with Ductwork

Leaky or poorly insulated ducting can cause heat loss and the distribution of cold air throughout your house. Check for visible issues in your ductwork, such as these gaps, leaks or poor insulation. For a permanent solution, you may need professional insulation and duct sealing. In the quest for a warm, cozy home in the winter, a furnace that’s blowing cold air can feel like an annoying roadblock.

Final Thoughts

Knowing the reason for a cold furnace is the first step toward fixing it, whether that means simply adjusting the settings on your thermostat (which is the solution in most cases) or replacing a clogged filter, or calling for professional help in the case of more complicated issues.

Finishing our series on “Reasons Why Your Furnace is Blowing Cold Air”, it’s crucial to know that keeping your heating system well-maintained, and promptly servicing it when there are any signs of malfunction, is the key to avoiding nasty shocks. If you feel more prepared and educated about your HVAC investment you can increase the lifetime between service and ensure your furnace runs at optimal capacity.

We Can Help!

When it’s a mystery involving cold air, don’t let that winter chill stay in your home. Take charge, look for possible explanations, and relish in the warm and fuzzy that a properly functioning heater can bring to your living space.

If you’re not sure what to do, or if problems persist, reach out to Albuquerque furnace and HVAC specialists like those at Day & Night Plumbing to make sure the issue is resolved quickly. This will allow you to enjoy the tranquility and position that you are entitled to all through the wintry weather. Wishing you a warm and peaceful winter. Stay warm and educated.

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At Day and Night Plumbing, we repair, replace, and install furnaces in Albuquerque and the surrounding communities. We know how important your home’s furnace is during the chilly winter months.


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