It’s not just about heating and cooling your Albuquerque home efficiently in the winter and the summer. Air leaks can also cause you to lose money on energy costs, so it might be time for some repairs.
If you want a few easy tricks of the trade that will keep those air bubbles at bay while saving cash in return – keep reading.
We’ve got 10 Albuquerque home weatherproofing strategies from our favorite HVAC technicians who are waiting by the phone: Day & Night Plumbing Heating & Cooling Services will assist you with all your air conditioning and heating needs.
10 Simple Albuquerque Home Weatherproofing Strategies
1. Caulk and weatherstrip doors, windowsills, gaps around electrical outlets with caulk or other sealant materials if possible.
2. In some cases this may not be an option, so use foam tape instead. It works great as a quick bandage that helps to keep air out of all those tiny cracks you may have been worrying about before now (plus no tools required).
3) Put foam tape behind your switch plates and electrical outlets too – they’re another easy location where unwanted drafts often occur.
4. Replace your dirty and moldy insulation with spray foam. This will help to keep the air inside of your home healthy. HVAC system efficiency can improve greatly when consistent maintenance is performed. Newer homes often come equipped with this type of protection from day one, which means less work down the track.
5. Find out where all those sneaky leaks are coming from- broken ducts? bent pipes? Become aware before it’s too late by noticing tell-tale signs such as dark spots along baseboards, wet stains, and film near sinks.
6. Put up storm windows over your existing single-pane windows or replace them altogether with low emissivity, heat retaining glass. This will stop the flow of solar rays entering a home and lowering its AC effectiveness.
7. Cover any ventilation fan or exhaust fan in kitchens when not being used as we still lose air even though it’s turned off.
8. If you want to avoid an accidental fire, make sure your dryer vent is unblocked.
9. Ensure that you close the fireplace flue damper when not in use. It might sound like a no brainer for summer, but people leave their chimneys open all year-round allowing air into their homes without even giving the air flow a second thought.
10. Air leaks around fireplaces, furnaces and water heaters are no laughing matter! Seal them with sheet metal or other material that is resistant to burning. You could also use furnace cement caulk for this purpose if needed.
To learn more about how we can help save money on your heating and cooling bills, contact Day & Night Plumbing Heating Cooling Services of Albuquerque on 505-974-5797, or send us a message online today!