Likely, you’ve switched on your furnace now that winter has arrived. When you change your furnace back on for the winter after it has been dormant for an extended period, you could find that it isn’t functioning as well as it should. A furnace can last anywhere from 13 to 20 years, depending on how well it is maintained and several other factors. The typical lifespan of a furnace is around 15 years. Although the equipment might survive that long, it is more probable that your heating expenditures will continue to increase to a greater level than they should because furnaces become less efficient with time. Air Supply Heating & Air Conditioning is here to discuss the circumstances under which you should proceed with the maintenance of your existing furnace and the cases under which you should consider replacing it.
Furnace Age
When deciding whether to get your furnace serviced or replaced, the age of your current unit is an essential factor to consider. The typical lifespan of a furnace is around 15 years, during which time it will serve you well. If your furnace is older than that, consider replacing it rather than trying to repair an old and worn-out system. You will save money in the long run.
What Level of Heating Efficiency Does Your Furnace Have at its Current Age?
Because of the rising cost of electricity and natural gas, you should look for a furnace that has a high-efficiency rating. The Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) number is what you need to look up to determine how efficient your furnace is when it comes to burning fuel. When you enter this amount into the calculator, it will tell you what proportion of the energy is converted into heat instead of wasted due to inefficiencies in the system. Replacing your furnace may be costly, but you will save money on your energy bills in the long run. In most cases, the AFUE for a stove over 20 years old is around 70%. When you purchase a more energy-efficient furnace for your house, you will see monthly savings on your energy bill and the possibility that you could be eligible for local tax incentives.
Consider the Costs of Repairing the Furnace
If you have already had your furnace inspected, you probably know how much it will set you back to get it fixed. If the repair cost is more than a third of the cost of a new furnace, consider getting rid of the old one and a new one. When you get to the point where something has to be mended regularly, it is probably time to replace it rather than repair it.
What Sort of Troubleshooting and Repair Work Must Be Done on the Furnace?
You will save money in the long run by having your older furnace fixed rather than attempting any minor repairs yourself. When the required repairs become significant, you will need to evaluate if it would be more cost-effective to replace the item rather than continue making repairs. You should avoid investing a lot of money into an older unit if you can purchase a brand-new, more energy-efficient furnace with the money instead. You may have a serious life threatening leak or a problem with the thermostat that may need to be fixed or replaced. When the problem lies in the heat exchanger or the control module, the cost of repairing it might skyrocket in a short amount of time.
Day and Night Plumbing, Heating and Cooling to the Albuquerque Furnace Repair or Replacement Rescue
Day and Night Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling can assist you with either repairing or installing a new furnace if you have decided to upgrade from the one you now have. In some instances it may be considerably more cost-effective in the long run to bite the bullet and have a new Albuquerque furnace installation done, but if you can get more years out of your existing furnace, you should call a local Albuquerque furnace repair company and have it repaired instead of replacing it. In either instance, give Day and Night Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling a call now at 505-974-5797 to schedule an appointment to have your furnace repaired or replaced.